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Date Quarterly changes of monetary financial institutions' sterling lending (net of deposits) to public sector (in sterling millions) not seasonally adjusted
31 Mar 10 16605
30 Jun 10 11026
30 Sep 10 1053
31 Dec 10 13320
31 Mar 11 20058
30 Jun 11 12917
30 Sep 11 -4683
31 Dec 11 40083
31 Mar 12 51582
30 Jun 12 8808
30 Sep 12 24938
31 Dec 12 15274
31 Mar 13 11053
30 Jun 13 874
30 Sep 13 8520
31 Dec 13 14864
31 Mar 14 -1851
30 Jun 14 1888
30 Sep 14 -10567
31 Dec 14 20147
31 Mar 15 -13428
30 Jun 15 7315
30 Sep 15 10653
31 Dec 15 -588
31 Mar 16 4241
30 Jun 16 -11848
30 Sep 16 28589
31 Dec 16 33500
31 Mar 17 8551
30 Jun 17 -1218
30 Sep 17 -1461
31 Dec 17 -10364
31 Mar 18 3489
30 Jun 18 8009
30 Sep 18 -7868
31 Dec 18 -11654
31 Mar 19 -3583
30 Jun 19 3974
30 Sep 19 -9238
31 Dec 19 8693
31 Mar 20 9643
30 Jun 20 174490
30 Sep 20 45987
31 Dec 20 33786
31 Mar 21 35403
30 Jun 21 35238
30 Sep 21 22819
31 Dec 21 41394
31 Mar 22 -18639
30 Jun 22 1314
30 Sep 22 -405
31 Dec 22 -4772
31 Mar 23 -8695
30 Jun 23 2940
30 Sep 23 -21846
31 Dec 23 -11040
31 Mar 24 -9135

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[a] Net sterling lending to the public sector includes holdings of coin. Coin is a liability of Central Government and therefore outside of the MFIs' consolidated balance sheet. Holdings of coin are a component of M4 and are therefore included here in order to reconcile the counterparts.