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Date Quarterly amounts outstanding of consolidated UK-owned monetary financial institutions' (excl. Central Bank) sterling and all foreign currency guarantees (by ultimate risk) given to non-residents (in US dollar millions) vis-a-vis United States not seasonally adjusted
[a] [b]
31 Mar 10 263058
30 Jun 10 270206
30 Sep 10 291208
31 Dec 10 363614
31 Mar 11 353907
30 Jun 11 345689
30 Sep 11 323947
31 Dec 11 308602
31 Mar 12 183674
30 Jun 12 223544
30 Sep 12 215334
31 Dec 12 183927
31 Mar 13 630561
30 Jun 13 594574
30 Sep 13 578375
31 Dec 13 519097
31 Mar 14 426725
30 Jun 14 391494
30 Sep 14 389347
31 Dec 14 321963
31 Mar 15 322801
30 Jun 15 294843
30 Sep 15 286068
31 Dec 15 247511
31 Mar 16 247097
30 Jun 16 226534
30 Sep 16 221589
31 Dec 16 181821
31 Mar 17 182371
30 Jun 17 181453
30 Sep 17 156052
31 Dec 17 127632
31 Mar 18 147760
30 Jun 18 114182
30 Sep 18 110392
31 Dec 18 112615
31 Mar 19 121802
30 Jun 19 193505
30 Sep 19 178986
31 Dec 19 199368
31 Mar 20 199224
30 Jun 20 170677
30 Sep 20 183295
31 Dec 20 170602
31 Mar 21 197422
30 Jun 21 203369
30 Sep 21 259404
31 Dec 21 287712
31 Mar 22 372966
30 Jun 22 312510
30 Sep 22 334960
31 Dec 22 333596
31 Mar 23 384802
30 Jun 23 389433
30 Sep 23 383278
31 Dec 23 402651
31 Mar 24 430678

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[a] Ultimate risk is calculated as: Total foreign claims on an immediate borrower basis minus Outward risk transfers plus Inward risk transfers

[b] For Q2 2011 and periods back to Q3 2010, due to improvements in reporting, the amounts outstanding now include previously omitted guarantees. Data for earlier periods will be revised on to a consistent basis upon receipt of further new information. (30 Jun 2011)