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Date Quarterly amounts outstanding of Central Bank sterling ways and means advances to HM government (in sterling millions) not seasonally adjusted
31 Mar 19 370
30 Jun 19 370
30 Sep 19 370
31 Dec 19 370
31 Mar 20 370
30 Jun 20 370
30 Sep 20 370
31 Dec 20 370
31 Mar 21 370
30 Jun 21 370
30 Sep 21 370
31 Dec 21 370
31 Mar 22 370
30 Jun 22 370
30 Sep 22 370
31 Dec 22 370
31 Mar 23 370

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[a] This series is a component of the Bank of England consolidated balance sheet which is published as a complement to the Bank of England Weekly Report published in Table B1.1.2.