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Date Quarterly changes of UK resident monetary financial institutions' Japanese Yen total deposits from non-resident Other financial corporations (in US dollar millions) not seasonally adjusted

31 Mar 19 -767
30 Jun 19 -14010
30 Sep 19 -426
31 Dec 19 355
31 Mar 20 9226
30 Jun 20 -23973
30 Sep 20 3972
31 Dec 20 655
31 Mar 21 9427
30 Jun 21 -3526
30 Sep 21 4914
31 Dec 21 -18959
31 Mar 22 20829
30 Jun 22 3966
30 Sep 22 6532
31 Dec 22 3875
31 Mar 23 26119
30 Jun 23 -13026
30 Sep 23 14710
31 Dec 23 11274
31 Mar 24 24555

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